خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ
The best among you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.

HCM - Madrassa
HCM Madrassa aims to inspire towards the noble path of salvation. We believe we are upon a path to the creator with our role to help and facilitate people upon this journey by providing essential education for both children and adults..
About us
Our aim is to provide a balanced and broad level of education to meet the spiritual, moral and social needs of the young people. This will complement and enhance the secular broader school/college curriculum based studies, and ensure a well-rounded individual. The student will be able to confidently engage with the wider society and become a source of guidance for future generations.
Our mission
Stepping stones to success is our motto. Our dedicated team of teachers are inspired to create small milestones that will give guidence and inspiration to students, allowing them to succeed the challenges of today.
Our Classes
- Childrens Classes
- Adults Classes
- Hifz Classes
Download our Prospectus for a more more details on the Subjects we teach.
Below is a brief summary of the subjects we teach as part of our Madrassa curriculum, download our prospectus for a full overview or contact us for more information.
The Holy Quran
The Qur’an being the centre of learning for the Muslim, we will provide help and support in learning the pronunciation of the Divine Book.
“Read the Qur’an, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection.” (Hadith Riyad As Salihin)
Noble Sirah of The Blessed Prophetﷺ
This course will give students an overview of the Prophetic life in Makkah and Madina. The completion of belief rests firmly with our love of the blessed Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Indeed he is the most perfect example to be followed.
“Verily, in the messenger of Allah you have an excellent pattern for him who has hope in Allah and the last day and remembers Him much.” (Qur’an 33:21)
Islamic Essentials
Students will start the text “Islah Ilm ul Haal”, which is a renowned primer for students to make firm their foundation in this mind blowing science.
“When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.” (Hadith Bukhari/Muslim)
Study of The Noble Hadith
We aim for students to memorise 40 narrations of the authentic noble Ahadith. Students will be required for the duration of the course to memorise the narrator, the text and the reference of the Noble Hadith.
“Whosoever from my Ummah learns forty Ahadith, on the day of Judgement, I will be his intercessor and I will testify to his faith in the court of Allah.” (Hadith: Jame’ Ul Ahadith Wal Maraseel No: 22048)
Memorisation & Hifz
The preservation of the Divine Book was enabled through the passion of those companions who carried the Qur’an in their hearts and acted upon it’s teachings. The reward of completing such a task is immense, with the Hafidh being adorned with a crown and garments of honour.
“Behold, We have made it a Qur’an in clear Arabic language that you may fully understand.” (Qur’an)
Dua's and Supplications
Students will be given supplications in accordance with the Noble Sunnah of the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him, so the application can take place in their daily lives.
“Du’a is the most powerful weapon of a believer. …” (Hadith Tirmidi 3463)